Thursday, 21 March 2019

STATS Collection Oracle SQL Query

Here is the Sample Oracle SQL Query for the STATS collection.

select t.last_analyzed, nvl(num_rows,0) num_rows, t.* from all_tables t where last_analyzed is not null and owner in (<Oracle_Schema_name>)
order by 1 desc;

Monday, 11 March 2019

SQL Query to find the time taken in hours, minutes and seconds.

Here is the oracle sql query that can be used to find out the time taken in hours, minutes and second.

This sql query converts the date time format and calculates accordingly.

This can be modified accordingly for the requirements and can be tested.

select bb.start_time,bb.end_time,
mod(trunc( 24 * (to_date(bb.end_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') - to_date(bb.start_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'))),60) AS BATCH_TOTAL_TIME_HOURS,
mod(trunc( 24 * 60 * (to_date(bb.end_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') - to_date(bb.start_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'))),60) AS BATCH_TOTAL_TIME_MINS,
mod(trunc( 24 * 60 * 60 *(to_date(bb.end_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') - to_date(bb.start_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'))),60) AS BATCH_TOTAL_TIME_SECONDS

SQL Query to validate Start_Date and End_Date for each consecutive records

Assume you have requirement to validate the start date and end date for each record provided and your validation or check should be that every consecutive record should have start_date + 1 from the previous record end date :

Here is the sample data :


1.      P1           1-JAN-2019        31-MAR-2019
2.      P1           1-APRIL-2019    30-JUN-2019

Here is sample SQL Query to validate this data in the sql query. Please note this can be modified accordingly to your requirements.

SQL Query.

select * from (select * from EMP_PRICING_DATA order by start_dt) a
where exists (select 1 from EMP_PRICING_DATA b
                      where =
                        and b.start_dt <= a.end_dt
                        and b.start_dt <> a.end_dt + 1
                        and b.end_dt >= a.start_dt
                        and b.rowid < a.rowid

How to refresh Materialized view

Here is the sample script to refresh the materialized view.

  DBMS_MVIEW.refresh('EMP_MV');    --'EMP_MV is the materialized view name.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification answers - 5

Here is the continuation part of the sample question and answers for the developer foundation training.

Note : These are the sample question and answers for the RPA Developer Foundation Training, please do go through the actual training materials of the UiPath.

1. What is the AttachWindow activity used for ?

   To specify the top-level window container you will working with

2. How can we make sure that an app is in a certain state in a Citrix environment ?

   By waiting for certain UI elements to apper or disappear and making decisions based on that.

3. Which recording profile generates full selectors ?

   Basic recording.

4. What should you use to scrape tables from a web page ?

   Data Scrapping.

5. What activities can be used to interact with applications in a Citrix environment ?

   Click Text
   Click Image.

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification answers - 4

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification answers - 4

Here is the continuation part of the sample question and answers for the developer foundation training.

Note : These are the sample question and answers for the RPA Developer Foundation Training, please do go through the actual training materials of the UiPath.

1. How can you trigger another workflow from within your current one ?
   By using the invoke Workflow File activity

2. How can we test if a given address( a string variable called fullAddress) can be found on a particular stree(a string variable called)


3. How do you exit the selection mode ?

   Right Click


4. What type of argument can you define to pass data and retrieve the modified value from an invoked workflow ?


5. Which of the scrapping methods can get you the hidden text in the element ?


6. What is considered a best practise in large projects ?
   Testing workflows independently

7. What recording wizard would you use to generate partial selectors ?

   Citrix Recording
   Web Recording
   Desktop Recording

8. How can you improve the following calendar page selectors to work only for the dates in 2017 ?
   "<html app='chrome.exe' title = 'UiPath-Calendar - Week of May 1, 2017>"

   <html app = 'chrome.exe' title = 'UiPath-Calendar - * 2017/>

9. By using the FullText scrapping method the robot is able to ?

   Get editable Text

   Get hidden information

10. What is TimeoutMs property used for ?

    To define the amount of time during which the target of an activity must be found.

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification answers - 3

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification answers - 3

Here is the continuation part of the sample question and answers for the developer foundation training.

Note : These are the sample question and answers for the RPA Developer Foundation Training, please do go through the actual training materials of the UiPath.

1. What is the most effective way to handle the click on a UI element that is not always available ?

   By placing the Click activity inside a Try/Catch Block

2. How can UiPath identify an Ui elemnt on the screen ?

   By using a partial selector inside a container.

   By using a full selector.

3. What activity should you use if you want to add data to an existing .xlsx document ?

   Workbook Append range.

   Excel Append Page.

4. What are the supported wildcard characters for selectors in UiPath Studio ?


5. What is a wildcard used for ?

   To replace variable values in selector attributes.

6. What activity can you use to get a column value from a specific row of DataTable ?

   Get Row Item

7. What is an argument ?

   An input/output parameter of the workflow.

8. Which activities can be used to interact with the user ?



9. What kind of actions can be performed in the Variables Panel ?

   Setting default values for variables.

10.Getting the content of a PDF document is possible :

   By using the Read PDF Text activity and providing the PDF file's path

   By opening the PDF and using screen scrapping to get its data.

Monday, 4 February 2019

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification Questions and answers- 2

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification answers - 2

Note : These are the sample question and answers for the RPA Developer Foundation Training.

1. Can you insert a Flowchart activity in a sequence activity


2. What is a sequence most suitable for ?

   Short and simple workflow

   Pieces of automation that can be used in a larger part

3. Which of the following is a valid full selector ?

   <wnd app='explorer.exe' cls='Shell_Traywind' />
   <wnd cls='Start' title='Start'/>

   <html app='chrome.exe' title='Yahoo Finance' />
   <webctrl idx = '1' parentid='data-util-col' tag='TABLE'>
   <webctrl isleaf='1' tableRow='3' tag='TD'/>

4. How should you organize your workflow ?

   Use Flowchart or State Machine for a high level organization

5. As a best practise, how should workflows use a local desktop application ?

   By checking if the corresponding process is running and if not, opening the application by using the open Application activity

   By closing the application once its no longer needed.

6. What happens if you put a BreakPoint on a Click activity and start the workflow in Debug mode ?

   The workflow will be paused until you click the Continue button.

7. What should you use to verify if a checkbox is selected or not ?

   Get Attribute activity

8. The Save Attachments activity can save all the attachments of an email to :

   An absolute path

9. What type of content can you store inside a Generic type variable ?


10. What happens if you try to use a Write Range activity to a .xlsx file that does not exists

    It will create that file for you and write the data in it.

   To be continued.....

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification Final Assessment - 1

This post part1 covers the UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training certification final assessment, sample question and answers.

Note :  This questions and answers are only for the reference purpose. As said in my previous post, please refer the training materials and guides for the information.

1. What happens if you use the write Range activity with the Range property set to "" to write a datatable to an excel file that already contains data ?

   A : It will overwrite the existing data.

2. Creating automation in a Citrix environment is challenging because :

   A  : You need to interact with the app using only Image Recognition and OCR
          You don't have direct access to UI elements.

3. How can you find all anchor elements in a web page ?

   A  :  Using the Find children activity.

4. How can you install and update activity packs ?

   A   :   Using Manage Packages within Activities Pane.

5. How does UiPath recognise elements on screen ?

   A  : Using attributes of the UI elements and their parents.

6. How many characters does "*" replace ?

   A  :  Zero or more

7. What should you use to click in a hidden IE browser ?

   A : SimulateClick

8. What happens if the AddHeaders option is checked in the ReadRangeactivity

   A : The first row from the specified range is considered to be the column names

9. When it is recommended to use containers ?

   A  : When performing multiple operations in the same window.

10. What kind of workflow should you create to define business rules.

   A  :  Flowchart.

Remaining questions to be continued.

Monday, 17 December 2018

UiPath Certification - Sample Questions and Answers - Lesson 10 PDF Automation

Here is the sample question and answers from the Lesson 10 from the UI Path

1)Will the Read PDF with OCR activity open the PDF document on the screen in order to read it?


2)What is the easiest way to get the invoice number from a native PDF file?

  Open the PDF with Acrobat and scrape only relevant information

3) Which of the following activities requires the PDF file to be opened with Acrobat Reader in order to read it?

    Get Text

4) Which of the following statements regarding the Read PDF with OCR activity are true?

   It works with native .pdf files
   It allows you to specify the range of pages to be read

5) How can you specify the location of a PDF file?

    As a relative path
    As a full path to the PDF

NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.

UiPath Certification - Sample Questions and Answers - Lesson 9 Excel and Database Tables

Here is the sample question and answers from the Lesson 9 from the UI Path

1)What happens if you use the Write Range activity with the Range property set to “” to write a datatable to an excel file that already contains data?
  It will overwrite the existing data.

2)Can Excel related activities be used without having the Excel Application installed?
   Yes but only for xlsx files

3)What is the Output Data Table activity used for?
   Saves all data from the Data Table to a string variable.

4)What activity can be used to read an entire sheet from a excel file?
   Read Range

NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.

UiPath Certification - Sample Questions and Answers - Lesson 8 Advanced Citrix Automation

Here is the sample question and answers from the Lesson 8 from the UI Path

1) Can a Pick Branch activity be used alone?
    No, it can only be added inside a Pick activity body.

2) How do you reset a clipping region?
     With a Set Clipping Region activity

3) What does the Find Image activity return?
     An UI element object.

4) If a Click Image activity was created with an image of an icon, and meanwhile that icon becomes highlighted, will the activity still work?
    Yes, if the clipping region avoids the background of the icon.
    No, if the accuracy is too high.

NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.

UiPath Certification - Sample Questions and Answers - Lesson 7 Image and Text Automation

Here is the sample question and answers from the Lesson 7 from the UI Path

1) Click Image and Click Text are not 100% reliable in Citrix environments. What method can be used instead (when applicable) to have safer actions?
   Setting focus on a reliable element and then navigating around the app using keyboard (up/down arrows, tab, etc) or using keyboard shortcuts.

2) What activities can be used to interact with applications in a Citrix environment?
Click OCR Text
Type Into
        Click Image

3)What method would be more reliable when clicking on a specific text label in an application running in a Citrix environment, given the fact that its font size might be easily changed?
   Using the Click OCR Text activity.

4) Having an app in a Citrix environment with multiple text-boxes that look the same (size/style), how can you identify one of them to type into?
    By clicking relative to an unique text/image next to the textbox

5) How can you improve accuracy when scraping with OCR a region that contains only digits?
       Use Google OCR with “Numbers Only”

NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.

UiPath Certification - Sample Questions and Answers - Lesson 6 SELECTORS

Here is the sample question and answers from the Lesson 6 from the UI Path

1) Can you store a Selector in a variable?
   Yes, of type String

2) How can you see the full list of attributes of Ui elements?
   By using the UiExplorer tool.

3) What is the Highlight activity useful for?
   For troubleshooting and verifying selectors

4) Can UiExplorer be used to record UI interactions?

5) Can variables be used to build dynamic selectors?

NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.

UiPath Certification - Sample Questions and Answers - Lesson 5 ADVANCED UI INTERACTION

Here is the sample question and answers from the Lesson 5 from the UI Path

1) Which of the text extraction methods can return the hidden text from a UI element?

2) The main advantage of the OCR method is:
     It works on every application even if it’s running in a virtual environment.

3) What is the best activity for scraping tables from a web page?
    Data scraping wizard

4) By using the Full Text scraping method, the robot is able to:
   Get hidden information

5) What text extraction method can you use to get text position?

NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.

UiPath Certification - Sample Questions and Answers - Lesson 4 Recording

Here is the sample question and answers from the Lesson 4 from the UI Path

1. When is it recommended to use Desktop recording?
     When you automate more steps in the same window

2. What actions can you record using Automatic Recording?
    Type Into

3. Can you combine automatic recording with step-by-step recording in the same recording sequence?

4. How do you stop the recording?

5. What type of container will Basic Recording generate?
     No container

NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.

UiPath Certification - Sample Questions and Answers - Lesson 3 DATA MANIPULATION

Here is the sample question and answers from the Lesson 3 from the UI Path

1. Which of the following data types are included in the Collections category?

2.Which of the following statements are true regarding the Output DataTable activity?

  Returns the data contained in a DataTable as a string in a csv format

3.If the dtNewHires datatable has 4 columns, in this order : [ID, Name, Age, Sex] and 2 rows: [1, Daniel, 38, M] ; [2, Andra, 24, F],
what is the result of the expression dtNewHires.Rows(0)(1)?

4.What key combination allows you to automatically create a variable from an activity’s property field?

  Ctrl + K

5)What type of variables can be used as output for the Read CSV activity?

DataTable variables

NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.

UiPath Certification - Sample Questions and Answers - Lesson 2 Variables and Data Types

Here is the sample question and answers from the Lesson 2 from the UI Path

1.What happens if you rename a variable from the Variables tab?
The name will be automatically updated in all the activities that use it.

2.Which activity can you use if you want to test if a condition is true or false?
Flow Decision activity
If activity

3.Which activity can you use if you want to loop through a collection of items?
   For Each activity

4.What is the activity designed to represent a decision inside a Sequence?
   The If activity

5. What data types can be stored inside an array?

NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.

UiPath Certification - Sample Questions and Answers - Lesson 1

UiPath Certification Notes/answers

UiPath, is Robotic Process Automation tool, which empowers and equip yourself the latest digital technology in automation.

One can enroll for the RPA Developer foundation technical trainings. Here is the link to register and enroll for the same. As part of this online training, one needs to complete total number of 13 chapters mandatorily and fulfill the certification assessment.

There will be 3 chances to complete the certification. Each chapter has test assessment, which needs to be completed before moving on to the next chapter.

Here are the sample questions which are part of the certification assessment and the quiz answers for each of the chapter.

NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.

Lesson 1 : Introduction to UI Path.

1.Can you run multiple instances of the same process, in parallel?
    Yes, on different robots.

2.What is a reusable component?
   A workflow that implements a very common action repeated throughout all your automations.

3.Scheduling a process is done from:
   Orchestrator Server.

4.Is it possible to create other activities than the existing ones in UiPath Studio?
   Yes, you can create a Custom Activity.

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Generate Random number using SQL Query

Generate Random number

Here is the script to generate the random 10 digits number using SQL. And of course, this can be modified accordingly to suit the requirements.

Select SUBSTR('0000000000'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE(1,10000000000),0)),-10) from dual;

This Select query generates a 10 digit random number. This will be useful for using generating primary keys when using on the primary key tables.

Monday, 1 October 2018

Example of FORALL Insert statement

FORALL Insert statement.

As we all know, FORALL is much faster than the FOR LOOP for processing.It is usually used for the BULK processings records.

Here is simple example of the usage of the FORALL Insert statement.


l_per_tbl_type cm_per_tbl_type;

IF l_per_tbl_type .count > 0

          FORALL l_cnt IN l_per_tbl_type.FIRST .. l_per_tbl_type.LAST
          INSERT INTO cmx_per_table
          values  (l_per_tbl_type(l_cnt).per_id,l_per_tbl_type(l_cnt).per_name);

The same can be modified according to the requirements and be used.

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Command to use SQL*LOADER

SQL*LOADER , a oracle based bulk loading utility. The following shows the way to load the data using the SQL*LOADER.

Using SID

sqlldr <Username>/<password>@"(DESCRIPTION\=(ADDRESS\=(PROTOCOL\=TCP)(HOST\=<HostName>)(PORT\=1521))(CONNECT_DATA\=(SERVER\=DEDICATED)(SID\=<SID>)))" control="Control_file.ctl" log="log.txt",bad="bad.txt" data="Data_file.csv"

Creating DataModel and Report in BI Publisher - Part 2

Part2 :

Once the RTF development is completed, start the creation of Report
Click on New Report:


Click on existing data model:


Select the datamodel which is developed

After selecting the Datamodel click on Next, Then select Use Report Editor and click on finish

Save the Report .

Click on Upload and enter the name and the RTF location: 

Click on View Report. Pass the parameter and the report gets generated:

Click on HTML/PDF/EXCEL etc to view the Report.