Monday, 17 December 2018

UiPath Certification - Sample Questions and Answers - Lesson 9 Excel and Database Tables

Here is the sample question and answers from the Lesson 9 from the UI Path

1)What happens if you use the Write Range activity with the Range property set to “” to write a datatable to an excel file that already contains data?
  It will overwrite the existing data.

2)Can Excel related activities be used without having the Excel Application installed?
   Yes but only for xlsx files

3)What is the Output Data Table activity used for?
   Saves all data from the Data Table to a string variable.

4)What activity can be used to read an entire sheet from a excel file?
   Read Range

NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.