Monday, 17 December 2018

UiPath Certification - Sample Questions and Answers - Lesson 3 DATA MANIPULATION

Here is the sample question and answers from the Lesson 3 from the UI Path

1. Which of the following data types are included in the Collections category?

2.Which of the following statements are true regarding the Output DataTable activity?

  Returns the data contained in a DataTable as a string in a csv format

3.If the dtNewHires datatable has 4 columns, in this order : [ID, Name, Age, Sex] and 2 rows: [1, Daniel, 38, M] ; [2, Andra, 24, F],
what is the result of the expression dtNewHires.Rows(0)(1)?

4.What key combination allows you to automatically create a variable from an activity’s property field?

  Ctrl + K

5)What type of variables can be used as output for the Read CSV activity?

DataTable variables

NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.