Here is the sample question and answers from the Lesson 2 from the UI Path
NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.
1.What happens if you rename a variable from the Variables tab?
The name will be automatically updated in all the activities that use it.
2.Which activity can you use if you want to test if a condition is true or false?
• Flow Decision activity
• If activity
3.Which activity can you use if you want to loop through a collection of items?
For Each activity
4.What is the activity designed to represent a decision inside a Sequence?
The If activity
5. What data types can be stored inside an array?
NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.