Monday, 17 December 2018

UiPath Certification - Sample Questions and Answers - Lesson 10 PDF Automation

Here is the sample question and answers from the Lesson 10 from the UI Path

1)Will the Read PDF with OCR activity open the PDF document on the screen in order to read it?


2)What is the easiest way to get the invoice number from a native PDF file?

  Open the PDF with Acrobat and scrape only relevant information

3) Which of the following activities requires the PDF file to be opened with Acrobat Reader in order to read it?

    Get Text

4) Which of the following statements regarding the Read PDF with OCR activity are true?

   It works with native .pdf files
   It allows you to specify the range of pages to be read

5) How can you specify the location of a PDF file?

    As a relative path
    As a full path to the PDF

NOTE : This sample questions are only for the reference and not to be considered as actual questions. As always, its recommended to go through the training materials which will have loads of information on the technical part.