Tuesday, 29 January 2019

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification Final Assessment - 1

This post part1 covers the UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training certification final assessment, sample question and answers.

Note :  This questions and answers are only for the reference purpose. As said in my previous post, please refer the training materials and guides for the information.

1. What happens if you use the write Range activity with the Range property set to "" to write a datatable to an excel file that already contains data ?

   A : It will overwrite the existing data.

2. Creating automation in a Citrix environment is challenging because :

   A  : You need to interact with the app using only Image Recognition and OCR
          You don't have direct access to UI elements.

3. How can you find all anchor elements in a web page ?

   A  :  Using the Find children activity.

4. How can you install and update activity packs ?

   A   :   Using Manage Packages within Activities Pane.

5. How does UiPath recognise elements on screen ?

   A  : Using attributes of the UI elements and their parents.

6. How many characters does "*" replace ?

   A  :  Zero or more

7. What should you use to click in a hidden IE browser ?

   A : SimulateClick

8. What happens if the AddHeaders option is checked in the ReadRangeactivity

   A : The first row from the specified range is considered to be the column names

9. When it is recommended to use containers ?

   A  : When performing multiple operations in the same window.

10. What kind of workflow should you create to define business rules.

   A  :  Flowchart.

Remaining questions to be continued.

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