Monday, 30 May 2011

Mandatory columns needed to insert data into BOM Interface tables.

Here is a snippet of code which tells about the mandatory columns needed to insert the data into BOM Interface tables.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Project template creation in PA using standard API.

Here is a sample script which uses standard Oracle API pa_proj_template_setup_pub.create_project_template to create Project template in Project Accounts

Monday, 23 May 2011

Sample example of Create Task API in CRM

Here is a sample example of Create Task API used in R11i.
This example shows how to create a Open task and assign it to a employee.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Count characters in a value in XML Tag in XML(BI Publisher)

I was looking for one of the funtion in XML for my requirement in RTF in order to display based on the length of the string.

Here goes that function, which is used to count the number of characters in a string in XML Publisher RTF.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Error in Price Adjustment screen : Invalid value for the field ADJUSTMENT_NAME

While doing one of the forms personalization in Service contracts in Price Adjustment screen, I have encountered this strange behavior of the form. The form personalization is related to defaulting the value of the Modifier Number field, whenever the user navigates to the Price Adjustment screen in R12. Following which, I have raised a SR with Oracle and fix was provided for the issue.

This topic is related to that behavior in Price Adjustment screen.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

End dating the Price List line in Service Contracts using the API qp_price_list_pub.process_price_list

Here is sample method of ending dating the Price List line for a Item in Service Contracts using API : qp_price_list_pub.process_price_list

Script to reset Oracle Apps frontend User ID Password

Here is a  sample anonymous PL/SQL block which will reset the Oracle Apps frontend password for a given user from backend

Thursday, 5 May 2011

if - else condition in XML Publisher

Here is a small snippet of XML tags which tells you how to add  if - else condition in XML Publisher RTF template.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Setting Discount to Service Contract Lines

The following example will show you, how to set the Discount for the Service Contract Lines and how to price the Service contract lines.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Sample example for DataLoad - Part 3

This is last part of the DataLoad example.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Sample example for DataLoad - Part 2

In my last previous post, we have successfully created a DataLoader script file. This post will resume loading data from that script to the actual destination ie. Oracle Applications.

Friday, 29 April 2011

Sample example for DataLoad - Part 1

Before, I provide sample example for DataLoad, would like to provide some background information on this Tool.


This is one of the very useful tool for end users/technical developers used across Oracle Ebusiness Suite for entering large number of records.Say for example, If you want to enter 1000's of records into Sales Order screen, then using the DataLoad tool will be much faster and quicker. The tool provides other functionality too. Please refer the DataLoad which provides more information. Free version of the tool is available at the site.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Creating Text form field in BI Publisher

This is a new post on BI Publisher - RTF development.

I was working on one of the RTF template changes as part of my fixes and I was looking for adding some conditions to the template.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Tool to compare two files - Beyond Compare

Here is a good tool, to compare two files, Beyond Compare. Trial version of the software is available.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Steps to create Invoice for a Service Contracts - Testing Data

Most of the time, when you are working with the service contracts and invoice, you might require to create some dummy test data in order to test Invoices reports.

Here are the steps to create an Invoice for a Service Contract in Oracle Applications(R12)

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Error in BI Publisher : NoAvailableAreaException

I was trying to fix some issue in XML Publisher report and was doing some changes in Account statement RTF. Once after the changes,I  tried to upload the XML and preview the data in PDF in BI Publisher(MS-Word).

But, to my surprise I got following error :

Friday, 1 April 2011

okc_price_adjustment_pub.create_price_adjustment - API to create new price adjustment record

Here is sample snippet code for creating new price adjustment record for a Service Contract in R12

Fetch the line details for a given Service Contract.

Monday, 28 March 2011


Here is sample piece of code, for the API OKS_AUTH_UTIL_PUB.COMPUTE_PRICE_MULTIPLE_LINE in Service Contracts.

Custom QA Check for Service Contracts

Here is new post on how to add Custom QA Check for Service Contracts.

Below are the steps to be followed:

Thursday, 24 March 2011


Here is an example of updating the attributes of an Item using the API ego_item_pub.process_item.

API : ego_item_pub.process_item, update the Item Attributes

Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Execute the below SQL query in SQL Developer or TOAD in APPS Instance.

Query :

  1. Select * from OE_ORDER_HEADERS
  2. Select * from OE_ORDER_LINES

You notice that these queries do not fetch any records. Ofcourse, these are views derived from their base tables OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL,OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL

So, what you do in order to fetch all the records? Ofcourse, the above query may not be of use,but when you are working on complex queries with joins and working on SQL Developer,you need to verify the records.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Form Personalization window goes beyond the current screen in Service Contracts

Hi All,

I was working on the form personalization for Price Adjustment in Service Contracts and I did find some strange issue which made me wonder, and took much of time in analysing this.

Here goes the details about this issue :

Defaulting a value in Contract Lines DFF in Service Contract form.

Hi All,

Here is a topic on defaulting a value in Contract Lines DFF in Service Contract form, whenever the Ship To Account is entered with the value.
This can be achieved through the use of CUSTOM.PLL.

This is just a sample piece of code, to be added to the CUSTOM.PLL, which can modified according to the requirements.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

FNDLOAD Command - for Updating an existing message

Here is a FNDLOAD upload command for updating an existing message.

FNDLOAD apps/<pwd>@<oracle instance> 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afmdmsg.lct XX_MSG_TO_UPLOAD.ldt CUSTOM_MODE=FORCE