Thursday, 24 March 2011


Here is an example of updating the attributes of an Item using the API ego_item_pub.process_item.

API : ego_item_pub.process_item, update the Item Attributes

   l_inventory_item_id   NUMBER;
   l_organization_id      NUMBER;
   l_desc                      VARCHAR2(100); 
   l_item_num              VARCHAR2 (50);
   l_long_description    VARCHAR2(200);
   l_so_tran_flag          VARCHAR2 (1);
   l_attribute5              VARCHAR2 (20);
   x_inventory_item_id   NUMBER;
   x_organization_id       NUMBER;
   x_return_status           VARCHAR2 (300);
   x_msg_count               NUMBER;
   x_msg_data                 VARCHAR2 (4000);

          l_inventory_item_id   := 100;
          l_organization_id      := 81;
          l_desc                      := 'New Description'; 
          l_item_num              :=  '6100 000';
          l_long_description    :=  'New Long Description';
         l_so_tran_flag           := 'Y';
         l_attribute5               := 'N';

                      (p_api_version                => 1.0,
                       p_init_msg_list               => 'T',
                       p_commit                      => 'T',
                       p_transaction_type        => 'UPDATE',
                       p_inventory_item_id      => l_inventory_item_id,
                       p_organization_id          => l_organization_id,
                       p_segment1                  =>   l_item_num,
                       p_description               =>    l_desc,
                       p_long_description       =>    l_long_description,
                       p_so_transactions_flag   => l_so_tran_flag,
                       p_attribute5                   => l_attribute5,
                       x_inventory_item_id         => x_inventory_item_id,
                       x_organization_id           => x_organization_id,
                       x_return_status             => x_return_status,
                       x_msg_count                 => x_msg_count,
                       x_msg_data                  => x_msg_data
        IF (x_return_status <> apps.fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success)
               DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'Item Attribute Update API Error'|| x_return_status );
               DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Item Attribute Update API Success' || x_return_status);
        END IF;


  1. Hi
    Is it possible to update Install Base flag using the same API?. Please let me know if possible.

  2. hi, is it possible to only make an update to the description of the master item?
    when i run your code, and quit the segment1, long_description and the attribute5, because, i only want to make an update for the description field right?

    but, it brings me this error:
    Item number update is disallowed as set in the profile (INV: Updateable item name). Item name cannot be updated to an existing Item name.

    am i making a mistake removing the others parameters?
    thanks a lot!!


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