Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Setting Discount to Service Contract Lines

The following example will show you, how to set the Discount for the Service Contract Lines and how to price the Service contract lines.

 Say you a requirement to update the existing service contract line discount to 0 through backend, then  we can use the following statement.

       UPDATE apps.okc_price_adjustments
            SET operand = 0
                  ,last_update_date  = SYSDATE
                  ,last_updated_by   = apps.fnd_global.user_id                
        WHERE cle_id = <CLE_ID of the service contract Line>
            AND list_line_type_code = 'DIS'
            AND modifier_level_code = 'LINE';

This followed by Calling the API(OKS_AUTH_UTIL_PUB.COMPUTE_PRICE_MULTIPLE_LINE) to reprice the Service contract line.

One more way is ofcourse, using the Oracle application front end.

  • Navigate to Service Contracts
  • Select a Service Contract and click on Lines Tab.
  • Go to : Tools -> Price Adjustment
  • In the rate column, enter the desired value
  • Save the record.
This is just for an example, and this can be modified according to the requirements.

Please feel free to comment.