The following example will show you, how to set the Discount for the Service Contract Lines and how to price the Service contract lines.
Say you a requirement to update the existing service contract line discount to 0 through backend, then we can use the following statement.
This followed by Calling the API(OKS_AUTH_UTIL_PUB.COMPUTE_PRICE_MULTIPLE_LINE) to reprice the Service contract line.
One more way is ofcourse, using the Oracle application front end.
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Say you a requirement to update the existing service contract line discount to 0 through backend, then we can use the following statement.
UPDATE apps.okc_price_adjustments
SET operand = 0
,last_update_date = SYSDATE
,last_updated_by = apps.fnd_global.user_id
WHERE cle_id = <CLE_ID of the service contract Line>
AND list_line_type_code = 'DIS'
AND modifier_level_code = 'LINE';
SET operand = 0
,last_update_date = SYSDATE
,last_updated_by = apps.fnd_global.user_id
WHERE cle_id = <CLE_ID of the service contract Line>
AND list_line_type_code = 'DIS'
AND modifier_level_code = 'LINE';
This followed by Calling the API(OKS_AUTH_UTIL_PUB.COMPUTE_PRICE_MULTIPLE_LINE) to reprice the Service contract line.
One more way is ofcourse, using the Oracle application front end.
- Navigate to Service Contracts
- Select a Service Contract and click on Lines Tab.
- Go to : Tools -> Price Adjustment
- In the rate column, enter the desired value
- Save the record.
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