Saturday, 3 August 2024

SQL Queries for the Oracle fusion Project Management

 Here are some sample Oracle Fusion SQL queries for various aspects of project management:

1. Query to Retrieve Project Details

SELECT project_id,
project_name, project_number, project_status, start_date, end_date FROM pjf_projects_all WHERE project_status = 'APPROVED';

2. Query to Retrieve Task Details for a Specific Project

SELECT task_id,
task_name, task_number, task_status, start_date, end_date FROM pjf_tasks WHERE project_id = :project_id; -- Replace with the specific project ID

3. Query to Retrieve Expenditure Items for a Specific Project

SELECT expenditure_item_id,
expenditure_type, expenditure_date, amount FROM pjc_expenditure_items WHERE project_id = :project_id; -- Replace with the specific project ID

4. Query to Retrieve Budget Lines for a Specific Project

SELECT budget_version_id,
budget_line_id, budget_amount, budget_date FROM pjf_budget_lines WHERE project_id = :project_id; -- Replace with the specific project ID

5. Query to Retrieve Resource Assignments for a Specific Project

SELECT assignment_id,
resource_id, task_id, start_date, end_date FROM pjr_assignments WHERE project_id = :project_id; -- Replace with the specific project ID

6. Query to Retrieve Contract Details for a Specific Project

SELECT contract_id,
contract_number, contract_name, start_date, end_date, contract_amount FROM pjb_contracts_all WHERE project_id = :project_id; -- Replace with the specific project ID

7. Query to Retrieve Invoice Details for a Specific Project

SELECT invoice_id,
invoice_number, invoice_date, amount FROM pjb_invoices_all WHERE project_id = :project_id; -- Replace with the specific project ID

8. Query to Retrieve Cost Distribution Lines for a Specific Project

SELECT cost_distribution_line_id,
transaction_id, amount, distribution_date FROM pjc_cost_distribution_lines WHERE project_id = :project_id; -- Replace with the specific project ID

These sample queries can be tailored to specific needs by modifying the WHERE clause conditions or by adding more columns to the SELECT statement.

Note, please refer to the Oracle documentations for any changes to the latest release and the updates.