Thursday, 3 November 2022

Tables for the AP Invoice Interfaces and Errors in Oracle Cloud Fusion

 In this post, I will provide you the list of the Interface tables for the AP Invoices import in Oracle cloud fusion and also the corresponding AP Invoice Interface error table.

The Invoices rejection interface table will provide you the Status of the records and the corresponding rejection reason if there are any errors during the Import Process.

Here is the list of the AP Invoice Interface tables in the Oracle fusion :



These tables will hold the records to be imported into the Oracle fusion. Each of these tables has reject lookup code. And say if there are any rejections or errors in the Interface records, the error records will be stored in the rejections table. 

Following is the error/rejection table which will hold the error or the rejected reason for the interface records.


Here is the sample query to pull the error report for the rejected records.

AP Invoice Header - Error Information

SELECT aii.invoice_num                                                        ,
       aii.invoice_id                                                         ,
   NULL                                                               ,
   fbu.bu_name                                                        ,
   aii.vendor_name                                                    ,
   aii_error.reject_lookup_code                                       ,
  FROM ap_invoices_interface                                                  aii,
       ap_interface_rejections                                                aii_error,
       fun_all_business_units_v                                               fbu
 WHERE aii_error.parent_id                                                  = aii.invoice_id
   AND aii_error.LOAD_REQUEST_ID                                            = aii.LOAD_REQUEST_ID
   AND aii_error.parent_table                                               = 'AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE'
   AND aii.org_id                                                           = fbu.bu_id

Here is the sample query to pull the error report for the rejected records for the Invoices lines

AP Invoices Lines - Error Information

SELECT aii.invoice_num                                                        ,
   aii.invoice_id                                                     ,
   aili.line_number                                                   ,
   fbu.bu_name                                                        ,
   aii.vendor_name                                                    ,
   aili_err.reject_lookup_code                                        ,
     fun_all_business_units_v fbu
WHERE aili_err.parent_table                                                = 'AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE'
  AND aii.invoice_id                                                       = aili.invoice_id
  AND aili_err.parent_id                                                   = aili.invoice_line_id
  AND aili_err.LOAD_REQUEST_ID                             = aii.LOAD_REQUEST_ID
  AND aili.org_id                                                          = fbu.bu_id