Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Pass Multiple values to PL/SQL concurrent program

Here is small piece of code snippet which can be used in the select query to fetch the records for the multiple input parameter values entered for the concurrent program : 

Say for an Example : 

We have a field, 'Employee Number' as a parameter to PL/SQL concurrent program. Say, an user enters multiple values for this particular field( Employee Number : 100, 200, 300,400,500) and then concurrent program needs to process records only for the input values. 

Following is sample query to achieve the same : 

 SELECT * FROM employee xx
  WHERE status = 'A'
   AND INSTR(','||NVL(REPLACE(p_employee_number,' ',''),xx.employee_number)||',',',' ||TRIM(xx.employee_number)||',')>0;

This can be modified according to the requirements.