Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Oracle Fusion Technical Integration: A Guide for Developers

Oracle Fusion Technical Integration: A Guide for Developers

This blog post will provide you basic details of the Oracle Fusion Integrations related details. 

Oracle Fusion Applications provide a robust, scalable platform for enterprise solutions, but seamless integration is key to maximizing their potential. 

Here we will explore the technical aspects of integrating Oracle Fusion with third-party applications, on-premise systems, and cloud services.

  1. Understanding Oracle Fusion Integration Architecture

    • Overview of Oracle Fusion Middleware
    • Integration tools: Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC), SOA Suite, REST & SOAP Web Services
  2. Key Integration Methods in Oracle Fusion

    • Web Services (REST and SOAP APIs)
    • File-Based Data Import (FBDI)
    • Application Composer & Groovy Scripts
    • Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP) for custom reporting
  3. Using Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) for Seamless Connectivity

    • Prebuilt adapters for ERP, HCM, and SCM
    • Developing custom integrations with OIC
    • Managing security and authentication in OIC
  4. Best Practices for Oracle Fusion Integration

    • Handling data transformation and mapping
    • Error handling and logging strategies
    • Performance optimization techniques
  5. Real-World Use Cases & Case Studies

    • Automating HR data synchronization with third-party payroll systems
    • Integrating Oracle Fusion ERP with legacy systems
    • Connecting Fusion SCM with external logistics provider

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Oracle SQL Queries for various modules

This post will provide you with some of the useful Oracle  Queries used across the modules in the Oracle Fusion/ERP. 

Oracle Fusion applications spans across multiple enterprise modules such as 

1. Oracle Financials, 

2. Oracle Procurement, 

3. Oracle HCM (Human Capital Management)

4. Oracle SCM (Supply Chain Management) and others.  

Here’s are the list of useful Oracle  queries categorized by module. These queries help in analyzing, reporting, auditing, and troubleshooting in Oracle Fusion.

Please note these are sample queries only. Modify accordingly as per your requirements.


General Queries for Oracle Fusion

 1. Check User Roles & Responsibilities

SELECT u.user_name, r.role_name

FROM fnd_user u

JOIN fnd_user_roles ur ON u.user_id = ur.user_id

JOIN fnd_roles r ON ur.role_id = r.role_id

WHERE u.user_name = <Enter your username>

2. Find Last Login Details of a User

SELECT user_name, last_logon_date

FROM fnd_user

WHERE user_name = <Enter your username>

3. Retrieve Ledger Information

SELECT ledger_id, name, short_name, currency_code

FROM gl_ledgers;


 Oracle Fusion Financials (GL, AP, AR, FA)


4. Get GL Journals Details

SELECT journal_name, ledger_id, period_name, balance_type, creation_date

FROM gl_je_headers

WHERE period_name = 'JAN-2024';

5 Find Invoices Pending for Payment (AP)

SELECT invoice_num, supplier_name, invoice_amount, due_date, payment_status

FROM ap_invoices_all ai

JOIN ap_suppliers asup ON ai.vendor_id = asup.vendor_id

WHERE ai.payment_status = 'Unpaid';

6 List AR Customer Transactions

SELECT trx_number, customer_name, invoice_amount, balance_due, invoice_date

FROM ar_transactions_all

WHERE balance_due > 0;

7 Fixed Assets Details

SELECT asset_number, asset_category, cost, depreciation_expense

FROM fa_assets;


Oracle Fusion Procurement (PO, Supplier, Payables)

8  Find Purchase Orders by Supplier

SELECT po.po_number, po.po_date, s.supplier_name, po.total_amount, po.status

FROM po_headers_all po

JOIN po_vendors s ON po.vendor_id = s.vendor_id

WHERE s.supplier_name = <Enter your supplier name>

9 Query for PO Approval Status

SELECT po_number, approval_status, creation_date

FROM po_headers_all

WHERE approval_status IN ('In Progress', 'Rejected');

10. Supplier Information Query

SELECT vendor_name, vendor_number, vendor_type, tax_reference

FROM po_vendors

WHERE status = 'ACTIVE';


Oracle Fusion HCM (Human Capital Management)

11 Employee Details Query

SELECT person_number, full_name, job_title, department_name, hire_date, salary

FROM per_all_people_f

WHERE current_flag = 'Y';

12 Retrieve Employee Salary Information

SELECT employee_name, salary, currency, grade, effective_start_date

FROM per_pay_proposals

WHERE effective_start_date > SYSDATE - 365;

13 Get User’s Assigned Roles (HCM Security)

SELECT u.user_name, r.role_name, u.start_date, u.end_date

FROM fnd_user u

JOIN fnd_user_roles ur ON u.user_id = ur.user_id

JOIN fnd_roles r ON ur.role_id = r.role_id

WHERE u.user_name = 'EMPLOYEE_NAME';

Oracle Fusion SCM (Supply Chain Management)

14 Fetch Inventory Transactions

SELECT transaction_id, item_number, quantity, transaction_date, subinventory_code

FROM mtl_material_transactions

WHERE transaction_date >= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 30;

15 Query to List On-Hand Inventory

SELECT item_number, item_description, organization_code, on_hand_quantity

FROM mtl_onhand_quantities

WHERE on_hand_quantity > 0;

16 Fetch Sales Order Details

SELECT order_number, customer_name, order_status, total_amount, creation_date

FROM oe_order_headers_all

WHERE order_status IN ('Entered', 'Awaiting Shipping');

 Oracle Fusion Technical Queries

17 Find ESS Scheduled Processes

SELECT process_id, process_name, status, submitted_date, completion_date

FROM fnd_concurrent_requests

WHERE status IN ('Running', 'Error', 'Completed');

18 Query for BI Publisher Reports Details

SELECT report_name, report_path, last_run_date

FROM bip_reports

WHERE last_run_date >= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 7;

19 Fetch UCM (Content Management) Upload History

  SELECT document_id, document_name, uploaded_by, uploaded_date

FROM ucm_documents

WHERE uploaded_date >= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 30;


Other Useful Queries

20 Find List of Legal Entities in Fusion

SELECT legal_entity_id, name, registration_number, status

FROM xle_entity_profiles

WHERE status = 'Active';

21 Retrieve Open Requisitions (Procurement)

SELECT requisition_number, requester, amount, approval_status

FROM por_requisitions_all

WHERE approval_status = 'Pending Approval';

22 Identify Stuck Transactions in Interface Tables

SELECT interface_id, error_message, creation_date

FROM gl_interface_errors

WHERE error_message IS NOT NULL;

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Oracle SQL Query to Analyze Journal Entries by Period

 Here is the sample query to retrieve the Journal entries/balance for a particular period. Please note this is a sample query. Modify accordingly as per your requirement.








     GL_JE_LINES gl 





Oracle SQL Query to get the GL Account Balances by Segments.

 Here is the sample SQL Query to get the GL Account Balances by Segments.

Please note this is the sample query, modify accordingly as per your requirements.


  gcc.SEGMENT1 || '.' || gcc.SEGMENT2 as ACCOUNT,









Oracle SQL Query to Customer Invoices

 Here is the sample SQL Query to analyze the Customer Invoices. Please note this is sample, please modify accordingly as per your requirement :


Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Oracle tables related to the Accounts Receivables(AR)

Here are some of the common Oracle tables related to the Accounts Receivables in Oracle Fusion 

Oracle Fusion Accounts Receivables (AR) stores key transactional and configuration data across various tables. 

Below are the important tables in Oracle Fusion AR categorized by their function:

1. Customer and Party Tables

  • HZ_PARTIES – Stores customer and other party information.
  • HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS – Holds customer account details linked to HZ_PARTIES.
  • HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL – Stores customer site usages (e.g., Bill-To, Ship-To).
  • HZ_LOCATIONS – Stores address/location details.
  • HZ_CONTACT_POINTS – Contains customer contact information.

2. Transactions (Invoices, Credit Memos, Debit Memos)

  • RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL – Stores AR transaction headers (invoices, credit memos, debit memos).
  • RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL – Holds transaction line details, linked to RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.
  • RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL – Stores GL distribution details for transactions.
  • RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL – Stores transaction types (Standard Invoice, Credit Memo, etc.).

3. Receipts and Payments

  • AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL – Holds receipt headers (payments made by customers).
  • AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL – Stores receipt status history.
  • AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL – Stores details of receipt applications (linking receipts to invoices).
  • AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL – Holds invoice payment schedules.

4. Adjustments, Refunds, and Chargebacks

  • AR_ADJUSTMENTS_ALL – Stores adjustment details applied to invoices.
  • AR_REFUNDS_ALL – Contains refund details linked to receipts.
  • AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL – Maintains historical data for cash receipts.
  • AR_CHARGEBACKS_ALL – Stores chargeback-related information.

5. Accounting Tables

  • XLA_AE_HEADERS – Stores accounting entry headers.
  • XLA_AE_LINES – Holds accounting line details.
  • XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS – Links subledger data to accounting transactions.
  • GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES – Links AR transactions to General Ledger (GL).

6. Aging and Collections

  • AR_AGING_BUCKETS – Defines aging bucket configurations.
  • AR_AGED_TRIAL_BALANCE – Holds aged balances for customer transactions.

Monday, 27 January 2025

Oracle Key Tables in Oracle Fusion Payables

This post provides you some of the sample queries for the payables in Oracle fusion.

Here’s an example of how you might query invoice data:

Key Tables in Oracle Fusion Payables

1. Invoice Tables
  • AP_INVOICES_ALL: Stores invoice header information. Key columns include INVOICE_ID, INVOICE_NUM, VENDOR_ID, INVOICE_DATE, and INVOICE_AMOUNT.
  • AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL: Stores invoice line-level details. Links to AP_INVOICES_ALL via INVOICE_ID.
  • AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL: Contains information about payments applied to invoices. Links to AP_INVOICES_ALL via INVOICE_ID.
  • AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL: Holds the accounting distribution details for each invoice. Links to AP_INVOICES_ALL via INVOICE_ID.

2. Payment Tables

  • AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL: Contains invoice payment schedule information. Links to AP_INVOICES_ALL via INVOICE_ID.
  • AP_PAYMENTS_ALL: Stores payment batch or manual payment header details.
  • AP_PAYMENT_HISTORY_ALL: Maintains a history of payment-related activities.
  • AP_CHECKS_ALL: Stores check-related payment information (e.g., check number, payment date).

3. Supplier Tables

  • PO_VENDORS: Stores supplier (vendor) information. Key columns include VENDOR_ID, VENDOR_NAME, and VENDOR_TYPE.
  • PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL: Holds supplier site-related data. Links to PO_VENDORS via VENDOR_ID.
  • PO_VENDOR_CONTACTS: Contains supplier contact details.

4. Accounting Tables

  • GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES: Links subledger transactions (like payables invoices) to general ledger journals.
  • XLA_AE_HEADERS: Holds accounting entry header data.
  • XLA_AE_LINES: Stores accounting entry lines for subledger transactions.
  • XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS: Links subledger distributions to journal lines.

5. Miscellaneous Tables

  • FND_LOOKUPS: Stores lookup codes used across modules, including payables.
  • FND_USER: Maintains user-related information for access and approvals.
  • HZ_PARTIES: Contains party information (used for suppliers, customers, etc.).
  • HZ_LOCATIONS: Stores location details associated with parties.

Friday, 24 January 2025

Oracle SQL Queries related to the Suppliers Data Model in Oracle Fusion

Here are some of the common SQL queries related to the Supplier Model in Oracle Fusion, involving  tables typically used for supplier data 

 Supplier profiles, 

 Supplier addresses, 

 Supplier Contacts

 Supplier Sites

 and data related to payments

1. SQL Query to List All Suppliers

SELECT vendor_id, vendor_name, vendor_number, creation_date, last_update_date
FROM po_vendors;

2. SQL Query to Find Supplier Details by Name or Number

SELECT vendor_id, vendor_name, vendor_number, vendor_type_lookup_code, enabled_flag, creation_date FROM po_vendors WHERE UPPER(vendor_name) LIKE '%SUPPLIER_NAME%' -- Replace 'SUPPLIER_NAME' with your search keyword OR vendor_number = 'SUPPLIER_NUMBER'; -- Replace 'SUPPLIER_NUMBER' with your number

3. SQL Query to Retrieve Supplier Sites

SELECT vendor_site_id, vendor_id, vendor_site_code, address_line1, city, state, postal_code, country
FROM po_vendor_sites_all WHERE vendor_id = :VENDOR_ID; -- Replace ':VENDOR_ID' with the supplier ID

4. SQL Query to List Supplier Contacts

SELECT vendor_contact_id, vendor_id, first_name, last_name, email_address, phone_number
FROM po_vendor_contacts WHERE vendor_id = :VENDOR_ID; -- Replace ':VENDOR_ID' with the supplier ID

5. SQL Query to Get Supplier Site Payment Details

SELECT vendor_site_id, payment_method_lookup_code, payment_currency_code, bank_account_num, bank_name FROM po_vendor_sites_all WHERE vendor_id = :VENDOR_ID; -- Replace ':VENDOR_ID' with the supplier ID

6. SQL Query to List Supplier Payment Methods

SELECT vendor_id, vendor_name, payment_method_lookup_code FROM po_vendors WHERE payment_method_lookup_code IS NOT NULL;

7. SQL Query to Find Active Suppliers

SELECT vendor_id, vendor_name, enabled_flag, creation_date FROM po_vendors WHERE enabled_flag = 'Y';

8. SQL Query to List All Bank Accounts Associated with Suppliers

SELECT ext_bank_account_id, bank_account_name, bank_account_num, currency_code, vendor_id FROM iby_ext_bank_accounts WHERE party_type_lookup_code = 'SUPPLIER';

9. SQL Query to Get Supplier Invoices

SELECT invoice_id, invoice_num, invoice_date, invoice_amount, payment_status_flag FROM ap_invoices_all WHERE vendor_id = :VENDOR_ID; -- Replace ':VENDOR_ID' with the supplier ID

10. SQL Query to Find Purchase Orders by Supplier

SELECT po_header_id, segment1 AS po_number, type_lookup_code, creation_date, total_amount FROM po_headers_all WHERE vendor_id = :VENDOR_ID; -- Replace ':VENDOR_ID' with the supplier ID

11. SQL Query to Find Supplier Purchase Agreements

SELECT agreement_id, vendor_id, agreement_type, status, start_date, end_date, total_amount FROM po_agreements WHERE vendor_id = :VENDOR_ID; -- Replace ':VENDOR_ID' with the supplier ID

12. SQL Query to List Suppliers with No Recent Activity

SELECT vendor_id, vendor_name, last_update_date FROM po_vendors WHERE last_update_date < ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE, -6); -- Suppliers with no updates in the last 6 months

13. SQL Query to Retrieve Supplier Category Assignments

SELECT pac.vendor_id, pv.vendor_name, pac.category_id, msc.segment1 AS category FROM po_assign_categories pac JOIN po_vendors pv ON pac.vendor_id = pv.vendor_id JOIN mtl_categories_b msc ON pac.category_id = msc.category_id;

14. SQL Query to List Suppliers by Country

SELECT pv.vendor_id, pv.vendor_name, FROM po_vendors pv JOIN po_vendor_sites_all pvsa ON pv.vendor_id = pvsa.vendor_id WHERE = 'USA'; -- Replace 'USA' with your desired country

15. SQL Query to Find Suppliers with Specific Payment Terms

SELECT pv.vendor_id, pv.vendor_name, pvsa.payment_terms_id, hl.meaning AS payment_terms FROM po_vendors pv JOIN po_vendor_sites_all pvsa ON pv.vendor_id = pvsa.vendor_id JOIN hr_lookups hl ON pvsa.payment_terms_id = hl.lookup_code WHERE hl.meaning = 'Net 30'; -- Replace 'Net 30' with your payment terms

Key Oracle fusion tables in Supplier Model

  • PO_VENDORS: Stores supplier header information.
  • PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL: Stores supplier site details.
  • PO_VENDOR_CONTACTS: Contains supplier contact information.
  • IBY_EXT_BANK_ACCOUNTS: Stores external bank account information for suppliers.
  • AP_INVOICES_ALL: Holds invoice details.
  • PO_HEADERS_ALL: Stores purchase order information.
  • PO_AGREEMENTS: Contains blanket or contract purchase agreement details.