Saturday, 7 March 2020

SQL Query to get the Supplier Basic info in Oracle fusion.

Here is the SQL Query to get the Supplier Basic information such as Supplier Name, Supplier Site, Vendor Site ID.

Use this query, modify by adding additional columns as required and extract the data.

SQL Query

SELECT psv.vendor_name        supplierName
      ,pssam.vendor_site_code supplierSite
      ,hps.party_site_id      HZ_Party_Site_ID
      ,pssam.vendor_site_id   vendor_site_id
  FROM poz_suppliers_v psv,
      poz_supplier_sites_all_m pssam,
      hz_party_sites HPS
WHERE pssam.vendor_id=psv.vendor_id
  AND hps.party_site_id = pssam.party_site_id

SQL Query to get the Purchase Order(PO) FBDI Import Error details.

Here is the quick SQL Query to get the Purchase Order(PO) FBDI Import Error details for all the PO's which are errored out.

This is the sample query which can be used. Please use and modify accordingly for your convenience.

SQL Query


SQL Query to get the Legal entity in Oracle fusion.

Here is the SQL Query to get the Legal entity in Oracle fusion.

SQL Query


                           AND NVL (EFFECTIVE_TO,TRUNC (SYSDATE) + 1)

Import Program to import Purchase Orders in Oracle fusion.

Here is the quick post to import the Purchase orders using the FBDI process.

1. Log in to the application and click on navigator icon and select Scheduled Process

2. Click on Schedule New Process. Search and select Load Interface File for Import Program.

3. Search and select the import process Import Orders. Upload the zipped FBDI data files.

4.  Once the program is submitted, click on done and check the status of submitted process in Process window. Make sure the status or submitted process id must be completed along with all the child process.

5.Once the Load Interface File for Import Program is completed successfully, click on Schedule New Process. Search and select Import Orders program

Key in the below parameters as follows

           Procurement BU: - Select the Procurement BU for which Orders needs to be loaded.

         Default Buyer: - Select the Default Buyer.

         Approval Action: - Keep the approval action blank

         Batch ID: - Give the Batch ID that is used in the file. 
    Once done submit the program.

    6.    Once the program is complete, download the program execution report form the process window.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Rest API to delete the UnProcessed Projects Costs.

Here is the Rest API for the Oracle fusion to delete the UnProcessed Projects Costs.
The input for this Rest API is the Transaction Reference ID from the Projects Interface table "PJC_TXN_XFACE_ALL"

Method: DELETE
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{UnprocessedTransactionReferenceId}

Also, Please do refer the latest Oracle documents for the same.

TaxPayer ID - Supplier Profile database table to find the Tax Payer ID - Oracle fusion.

Here is the table name in the Oracle fusion cloud application, where the TaxPayer ID gets stored.

                             POZ_SUPPLIERS_PII.NCOME_TAX_ID   ( TableName. ColumnName)

VAT Code and Tax Registration Number at the Supplier Site - Oracle Fusion FBDI

VAT Code and Tax Registration Number at the Supplier Site FBDI upload.

These two columns are dummy columns and are not uploaded through the Supplier Site FBDI.

Both Vat Code and Tax Registration Number are not supported functionality via the Supplier Site import process.  Please see below the Doc ID provided

Supplier Site Import Process Not Populating The Tax Registration Number (VAT Registration Number) ( Doc ID 2034667.1 )  
Cause : "Populating the Tax Registration Number via the Supplier Site import process is currently not supported functionality."

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Query to find the Supplier Site Tolerances configuration setups in Oracle fusion

Here is the query to find the Supplier Site Service Tolerance and Quantity Tolerances configuration setups in Oracle fusion.

SQL Query


Import program to Purge the PO Receipts interface table in Oracle fusion.

Here is the import program to purge the PO receipts interface table :

"Purge Receiving Interface"

These are the steps to be followed :

1. Go to Tools -> Scheduled Process

2. Click on Schedule New Process.

3. Search for : "Purge Receiving Interface"

4. Select OK from the Search results.

5. Select and provide the appropriate input parameters value for 

    a. Purge Data Before.

    b. Status.

6. Click on Submit.

Monday, 30 September 2019

Where exclusive_payment_flag of Supplier Site is stored

Here is the table name where the exclusive_payment_flag of the supplier site is stored :


Saturday, 27 April 2019

SQL Query to fetch the Project Contracts Billing Cycle setup details in Oracle cloud.

Here is the SQL Query to fetch the Project Contracts Billing Cycle setup details in Oracle cloud.

SELECT 'Billing Cycle' "SETUP_NAME",
            pbc.billing_cycle_name VALUE
  FROM  pjf_billing_cycles_vl pbc
 WHERE TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN NVL (start_date_active,TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 1) AND  NVL (end_date_active, TRUNC(SYSDATE) + 1);

SQL Query to fetch the Project Billing Currency Type code in Oracle cloud fusion.

Here is the SQL Query to fetch the Project Billing Currency Type codes in Oracle cloud fusion.

SELECT 'Billing Currency Type Code' "SETUP_NAME",
               flvl.lookup_code  VALUE
  FROM   fnd_lookup_values_vl flvl
     AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
    AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN NVL (start_date_active,TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 1) AND NVL (end_date_active, TRUNC(SYSDATE) + 1) ;

SQL Query to fetch the payment terms setups in Oracle cloud fusion

Here is the SQL Query to fetch the payment terms setups in Oracle cloud.

  FROM ra_terms rt
 WHERE TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN NVL (start_date_active, TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 1)  AND NVL (end_date_active, TRUNC(SYSDATE) + 1) ;

SQL Query to get the Contract Party Role setup details in Oracle cloud fusion Contracts

Here is the SQL Query to get the Contract Party Role Setup details in Oracle cloud fusion.

SELECT  'Party Role Code' "SETUP_NAME",
                 'PARTY_ROLE_CODE'  SETUP_NAME_CODE,
                 flvl.lookup_code  VALUE
  FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl flvl
 WHERE lookup_type = 'OKC_PARTY_ROLE'
      AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
     AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN NVL (start_date_active,TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 1) AND NVL (end_date_active, TRUNC(SYSDATE) + 1) ;

SQL Query to get the Organization ID details in Oracle cloud fusion.

Here is the SQL Query to get the Organization ID in Oracle cloud fusion. This query can be tweaked accordingly for the further requirements.

SELECT 'Business Unit ID' "SETUP_NAME",
                 hao.organization_id "Value ID"
            HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_F_TL haot,
WHERE hao.organization_id = haot.organization_id
     AND hao.effective_start_date = haot.effective_start_date
    AND hao.effective_end_date = haot.effective_end_date
    AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN hao.effective_start_date AND hao.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
   AND houcf.organization_id = hao.organization_id
   AND houcf.classification_code = 'BUSINESS_UNIT'
   AND haot.LANGUAGE='US';

How to create a folder in Oracle BI EE 11.

Here is the post on creating a folder in Oracle BI EE 11. I know this is very simple task, but sometimes if you are a new to this of creating a BI report, then you will spend quite sometime to locate the tool and how to create the same.

Here are the steps provided to create a folder in Oracle BI cloud.

1. Login to the Oracle cloud applications.

2. Click on the Reports and Analytics.

3. Now once on this page, navigate and click on the Browse Catalog button.

4. Oracle BI page opens up and now you can see the catalog and other stuffs. On the Left hand side, we see Folders.

5. In order to create a new folder, there is tool bar section.

6. Click on "New" tool.

7. We see the new folder icon. Click on that tool. Now it pops up the New folder window to create. Enter the desired name and click on the Ok button.

This creates new Folder successfully.

Friday, 19 April 2019

Oracle Cloud - Manage File Import Activities

Here are the navigation steps to access the "Manage File Import activities" in Oracle cloud applications.

1. Login to Oracle cloud application.

2. Click on the user, settings and action.

3. Navigate to "Setup and Maintenance"

4.  In the Search Tasks text box, type"Manage" and enter.

5. Now, you will see the list of options.

6. Click on the "Manage File Import Activities" task. You will be directed to the Manage Import Activities page, where you can submit the the individual jobs.

Thursday, 21 March 2019

STATS Collection Oracle SQL Query

Here is the Sample Oracle SQL Query for the STATS collection.

select t.last_analyzed, nvl(num_rows,0) num_rows, t.* from all_tables t where last_analyzed is not null and owner in (<Oracle_Schema_name>)
order by 1 desc;

Monday, 11 March 2019

SQL Query to find the time taken in hours, minutes and seconds.

Here is the oracle sql query that can be used to find out the time taken in hours, minutes and second.

This sql query converts the date time format and calculates accordingly.

This can be modified accordingly for the requirements and can be tested.

select bb.start_time,bb.end_time,
mod(trunc( 24 * (to_date(bb.end_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') - to_date(bb.start_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'))),60) AS BATCH_TOTAL_TIME_HOURS,
mod(trunc( 24 * 60 * (to_date(bb.end_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') - to_date(bb.start_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'))),60) AS BATCH_TOTAL_TIME_MINS,
mod(trunc( 24 * 60 * 60 *(to_date(bb.end_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') - to_date(bb.start_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'))),60) AS BATCH_TOTAL_TIME_SECONDS

SQL Query to validate Start_Date and End_Date for each consecutive records

Assume you have requirement to validate the start date and end date for each record provided and your validation or check should be that every consecutive record should have start_date + 1 from the previous record end date :

Here is the sample data :


1.      P1           1-JAN-2019        31-MAR-2019
2.      P1           1-APRIL-2019    30-JUN-2019

Here is sample SQL Query to validate this data in the sql query. Please note this can be modified accordingly to your requirements.

SQL Query.

select * from (select * from EMP_PRICING_DATA order by start_dt) a
where exists (select 1 from EMP_PRICING_DATA b
                      where =
                        and b.start_dt <= a.end_dt
                        and b.start_dt <> a.end_dt + 1
                        and b.end_dt >= a.start_dt
                        and b.rowid < a.rowid

How to refresh Materialized view

Here is the sample script to refresh the materialized view.

  DBMS_MVIEW.refresh('EMP_MV');    --'EMP_MV is the materialized view name.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification answers - 5

Here is the continuation part of the sample question and answers for the developer foundation training.

Note : These are the sample question and answers for the RPA Developer Foundation Training, please do go through the actual training materials of the UiPath.

1. What is the AttachWindow activity used for ?

   To specify the top-level window container you will working with

2. How can we make sure that an app is in a certain state in a Citrix environment ?

   By waiting for certain UI elements to apper or disappear and making decisions based on that.

3. Which recording profile generates full selectors ?

   Basic recording.

4. What should you use to scrape tables from a web page ?

   Data Scrapping.

5. What activities can be used to interact with applications in a Citrix environment ?

   Click Text
   Click Image.

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification answers - 4

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification answers - 4

Here is the continuation part of the sample question and answers for the developer foundation training.

Note : These are the sample question and answers for the RPA Developer Foundation Training, please do go through the actual training materials of the UiPath.

1. How can you trigger another workflow from within your current one ?
   By using the invoke Workflow File activity

2. How can we test if a given address( a string variable called fullAddress) can be found on a particular stree(a string variable called)


3. How do you exit the selection mode ?

   Right Click


4. What type of argument can you define to pass data and retrieve the modified value from an invoked workflow ?


5. Which of the scrapping methods can get you the hidden text in the element ?


6. What is considered a best practise in large projects ?
   Testing workflows independently

7. What recording wizard would you use to generate partial selectors ?

   Citrix Recording
   Web Recording
   Desktop Recording

8. How can you improve the following calendar page selectors to work only for the dates in 2017 ?
   "<html app='chrome.exe' title = 'UiPath-Calendar - Week of May 1, 2017>"

   <html app = 'chrome.exe' title = 'UiPath-Calendar - * 2017/>

9. By using the FullText scrapping method the robot is able to ?

   Get editable Text

   Get hidden information

10. What is TimeoutMs property used for ?

    To define the amount of time during which the target of an activity must be found.

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification answers - 3

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification answers - 3

Here is the continuation part of the sample question and answers for the developer foundation training.

Note : These are the sample question and answers for the RPA Developer Foundation Training, please do go through the actual training materials of the UiPath.

1. What is the most effective way to handle the click on a UI element that is not always available ?

   By placing the Click activity inside a Try/Catch Block

2. How can UiPath identify an Ui elemnt on the screen ?

   By using a partial selector inside a container.

   By using a full selector.

3. What activity should you use if you want to add data to an existing .xlsx document ?

   Workbook Append range.

   Excel Append Page.

4. What are the supported wildcard characters for selectors in UiPath Studio ?


5. What is a wildcard used for ?

   To replace variable values in selector attributes.

6. What activity can you use to get a column value from a specific row of DataTable ?

   Get Row Item

7. What is an argument ?

   An input/output parameter of the workflow.

8. Which activities can be used to interact with the user ?



9. What kind of actions can be performed in the Variables Panel ?

   Setting default values for variables.

10.Getting the content of a PDF document is possible :

   By using the Read PDF Text activity and providing the PDF file's path

   By opening the PDF and using screen scrapping to get its data.

Monday, 4 February 2019

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification Questions and answers- 2

UiPath RPA Developer Foundation Training Certification answers - 2

Note : These are the sample question and answers for the RPA Developer Foundation Training.

1. Can you insert a Flowchart activity in a sequence activity


2. What is a sequence most suitable for ?

   Short and simple workflow

   Pieces of automation that can be used in a larger part

3. Which of the following is a valid full selector ?

   <wnd app='explorer.exe' cls='Shell_Traywind' />
   <wnd cls='Start' title='Start'/>

   <html app='chrome.exe' title='Yahoo Finance' />
   <webctrl idx = '1' parentid='data-util-col' tag='TABLE'>
   <webctrl isleaf='1' tableRow='3' tag='TD'/>

4. How should you organize your workflow ?

   Use Flowchart or State Machine for a high level organization

5. As a best practise, how should workflows use a local desktop application ?

   By checking if the corresponding process is running and if not, opening the application by using the open Application activity

   By closing the application once its no longer needed.

6. What happens if you put a BreakPoint on a Click activity and start the workflow in Debug mode ?

   The workflow will be paused until you click the Continue button.

7. What should you use to verify if a checkbox is selected or not ?

   Get Attribute activity

8. The Save Attachments activity can save all the attachments of an email to :

   An absolute path

9. What type of content can you store inside a Generic type variable ?


10. What happens if you try to use a Write Range activity to a .xlsx file that does not exists

    It will create that file for you and write the data in it.

   To be continued.....