Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Rest API to delete the UnProcessed Projects Costs.

Here is the Rest API for the Oracle fusion to delete the UnProcessed Projects Costs.
The input for this Rest API is the Transaction Reference ID from the Projects Interface table "PJC_TXN_XFACE_ALL"

Method: DELETE
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{UnprocessedTransactionReferenceId}

Also, Please do refer the latest Oracle documents for the same.

TaxPayer ID - Supplier Profile database table to find the Tax Payer ID - Oracle fusion.

Here is the table name in the Oracle fusion cloud application, where the TaxPayer ID gets stored.

                             POZ_SUPPLIERS_PII.NCOME_TAX_ID   ( TableName. ColumnName)

VAT Code and Tax Registration Number at the Supplier Site - Oracle Fusion FBDI

VAT Code and Tax Registration Number at the Supplier Site FBDI upload.

These two columns are dummy columns and are not uploaded through the Supplier Site FBDI.

Both Vat Code and Tax Registration Number are not supported functionality via the Supplier Site import process.  Please see below the Doc ID provided

Supplier Site Import Process Not Populating The Tax Registration Number (VAT Registration Number) ( Doc ID 2034667.1 )  
Cause : "Populating the Tax Registration Number via the Supplier Site import process is currently not supported functionality."